Woohoo! This is the most visually stunning project I've ever been a part of, thanks to tremendous work by my co-conspirator Derek Kirk Kim. You can find it at your local comic book shop, your local bookstore, or Amazon.com!
And while you're there, check out Secret Identities, the Asian American superhero anthology. I've got a short story in there that I did with Sonny Liew.
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Hey Gene,
Keep up the good work. I just purchased the book yesterday. I really enjoyed the first story about the price and the last story about the girl. They were both good stories. Thanks for the great stories and keep them coming.
Dennis Yu
Congrats on the book release! I've read the book twice already. I really loved the plot twists in the three stories. Also, the art style of the third story was very refreshing and I loved the use of the old Scrooge McDuck comic themes. Keep up the good work!
Hey Gene,
I finished reading the book yesterday. It was really enjoyable, but I was hoping you'd make the separate stories connect like the one on American Born Chinese. Keep up the awesome work!
*high five*
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