If you want to see the sort of crazy formalist oomph-itude the comics medium is capable of, you need to go buy this book now. It will pop your mind grapes. Seriously.
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Wanna read a couple of the most awesome comics ever? Right now? Online? For free?
1. Derek Kirk Kim is serializing T.U.N.E., his next graphic novel, over at lowbright.com. It'll eventually be collected in paper-and-ink form by First Second, but it's available in all its awesomeness (1) RIGHT NOW (2) ONLINE (3) FOR FREE.
2. Mark Siegel is my editor at First Second. He's also a world-class cartoonist who melds influences from the three big comics cultures (American, European, and Japanese) into a storytelling style all his own. The guy is too talented for his own good. In any case, he's currently working on a graphic novel called Sailor Twain, that'll also be published by First Second sometime in the future, but you can read what he's done so far (1) RIGHT NOW (2) ONLINE (3) FOR FREE.
Isn't them Internets just amazing???
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This is the most amazing kid's comic I've read in a long time, and I'm not just saying that because the author is the colorist of American Born Chinese. The artwork - gorgeous brown brushstrokes paired with wistful, cloud-like watercolors - is absolutely stunning. And the stories! The stories have this slightly nonsensical charm that'll knock the grumpies right outta ya.
Yes, Lark is a dear friend. But even if she were my worst enemy, even if she had punched me in the face and stolen my lunch money every day of my life, I'd still have to give this book props. My first-grader boy can't get enough of the fold-out page!
Check it out!
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Man, it's been a long time since I've put up a post. I'm really terrible at this blogging stuff.
All sorts of things have happened in the world since I was last here, the most traumatic of which was, of course, the earthquake in Haiti. I'm sure that by now everyone knows of at least one place to send money and help. Here are two more that overlap with communities I'm involved in:
Catholic Relief Services
Heroes 4 Haiti
God bless the people of Haiti.
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I'll be at Eastwind Books in Berkeley this Saturday (11/5) at 3:00 to talk about The Eternal Smile, American Born Chinese, and making comics. Eastwind is a great book store, specializing in all things Asian. Come by if you can!
Eastwind Books of Berkeley
2066 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
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