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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - First Second Books Creator Blog
First Second Books Creator Blog 
I put an entry up at First Second the blog this week. I talk about my recent AMAZING trip to France.

The First Second blog is hosting a series of creator entries. Go read the thoughts of comic book luminaries like Paul Pope, Brian Ralph, and Lark Pien!

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February Events 
On Saturday 2/16, I'll be doing a presentation at the SF Public Library, Chinatown Branch from 2:30 to 4pm. The library is located at 1135 Powell Street in San Francisco.

On Saturday 2/23, I'll be at WonderCon 2008, signing at the SLG Publishing booth. I'm also scheduled to do a panel about comics in education at some point on that day. I'll post details when I have it all figured out...

Finally, on Wednesday 2/27, I'll be doing a presentation at the Milpitas Public Library at 4pm. The address is 40 N. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA.

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NPR Interview 
A couple of weeks ago I did an interview for NPR's new show The Bryant Park Project. If you're interested, you can find it here.

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I'll be at Stanford University tonight! 
I'll be doing a short presentation at Stanford University tonight. It'll be at 8pm, in the History Corner, Room 2, (building 200).

...probably should've posted this earlier...

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Got back from Angouleme, France on Monday after spending the weekend at the Western Hemisphere's largest comic book festival. It was absolutely amazing. I got to meet with many of my favorite European cartoonists like Lewis Trondheim, Christophe Blain, and Joann Sfar. I even had a conversation about consciousness with living legend Moebius! Like I already said, absolutely amazing.

If you haven't heard, Shaun Tan's The Arrival took top prize at the festival, and deservedly so. I wrote a review of the book a couple of months ago for the New York Times. Tan's work is subtle and stunning at the same time. It's one of those books you can read more than once and see something different each time.

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