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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - STUMPTOWN!
I'm going to be in Portland, Oregon this weekend attending the Stumptown Comics Festival . I'll be on a panel with the amazing Derek Kirk Kim where we'll reveal our big project together. Find more details at Derek's site. Drop by and say hi if you can!

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Don Rosa 

Don Rosa, the greatest living Disney duck cartoonist, is one of my all-time favorite comic book creators. He's practically worshipped in Europe, but relatively unknown in America. It's too bad-- the man's a genius. I just found a great interview with him on YouTube.

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All Up Night 

Up All Night, an anthology of YA short stories about teenagers who can't fall asleep, will be released by HarperTeen on April 22! It's all prose except for one comic by me. My contribution is "The Motherless One," a tale from the early years of the Monkey King. I'm lucky enough to share space between the covers with such YA lit luminaries as Peter Abrahams, Libba Bray, David Levithan, Sarah Weeks, and Patricia Mccormick. Find it on Amazon here .

HarperTeen is doing something really cool with this book. Starting on the day of its publication, they're holding a short story writing contest for teenagers. The winner's story will be included in the softcover version of Up All Night. Details are in the book.

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I'm going to Washington DC 
Sorry for the lack of updates! Every member of my family and I have been taking turns being sick for the last six weeks. I'm leaving for Washington DC today. There, I'll be doing a signing at Big Planet Comics on Wednesday 3/26 at 7pm. Here's the address and phone number:

4908 Fairmont Ave.
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

I'll be doing a presentation at the The Kennedy Center on Thursday at 11am as part of their Performing Arts Series. More info here (you have to scroll down a bit).

I'm also going to visit the Howard County Library on Friday 3/28 at 7pm. Here's the address:

George Howard Building
3430 Courthouse Drive
Ellicott City, Maryland

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I'm Sick... I'll be missing the 2008 Spring Conference of the Colorado Language Arts Society, unfortunately. I'm really sorry to be missing this-- it sounds like it's going to be an inspired gathering of teachers, writers, and other logophiles. But this season's flu has really knocked me out, and if I go I'll end up being its Trojan Horse.

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