Sat, Jun 6, 2pm
Signing at Dr. Comics and Mr. Games
4014 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611
Sat, June 6, 7pm
Presentation at Books Inc.
301 Castro St.
Mountain View, CA 94041
Tue, June 9, 5pm
Presentation at Hercules Library
109 Civic Dr.
Hercules, CA 94547
Sat, June 13, 12-5pm
Guest at Olympia Comics Festival
(Derek Kirk Kim is gonna be there too!)
Olympia, WA
More details here
If you're in the area for any of these, please come visit!
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Woohoo! This is the most visually stunning project I've ever been a part of, thanks to tremendous work by my co-conspirator Derek Kirk Kim. You can find it at your local comic book shop, your local bookstore, or!
And while you're there, check out Secret Identities, the Asian American superhero anthology. I've got a short story in there that I did with Sonny Liew.
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Last week I had the pleasure of presenting at the Catholic Library Association conference in Anaheim, CA. There, I met Mr. Lopez, a technology teacher at St. Genevieve Elementary School in Panorama City. Mr. Lopez taught American Born Chinese to his 7th and 8th grade students, and he was kind enough to share with me some of their projects. They're amazing! Here are just a few:

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Looking for a place to spend that tax refund? SLG Publishing, the folks who put out my first two graphic novels (Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks and Loyola Chin and the San Peligran Order) are having a web sale! Already cheap comics are now 30% off! Go to and type in taxtime09 as your coupon code. The image above is from Andi Watson's Slow News Day, one of my favorite SLG books. Sale ends on Friday 4/17, so hurry!
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My next big graphic novel project is The Eternal Smile, a collaboration with Derek Kirk Kim, an internationally celebrated cartoonist and one of my best friends. First Second Books will release it later this Spring... in May, I think. I'm not sure. I don't have a head for dates.
Eternal-Smile-related bits and pieces are slowing making their way onto the Internet. Our publisher has put up a preview. Booklist posted a review, as did The Daily Crosshatch. Newarama did an interview with the two of us, which turned into kind of a lovefest. A manly lovefest, but a lovefest nonetheless.
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