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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - Booklist Youth Forum at ALA in Washington, DC
Booklist Youth Forum at ALA in Washington, DC 
Later this week, I'll be heading over to the nation's capitol to punch a BP exec in the face to participate in the Booklist Youth Forum at the American Library Association Conference in Washington DC. I'll be joining my editor Mark Siegel (who also happens to be the genius behind Sailor Twain), illustrator Matt Phelan (who also happens to be the genius behind The Storm in the Barn) and underground comix legend Francoise Mouly (who also happens to be the genius behind Toon Books). It ought to be Level 6 Awesome-- that's pretty much the highest level of awesomeness you can achieve without punching a BP exec in the face. Here's the where and when:

Friday, 6/25/2010
Washington DC Convention Center, Room 144A-C

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Graphic Novel and Comic Writing & Illustrating Conference 
In the Minneapolis area? On June 19, 2010, Hennepin County Library and the Loft Literary Center are hosting a conference on breaking into comics! I'll be there, as will Zander Cannon, Barbara Schultz, Lars Martinson, Jude Nutters, Robin Schwartzman and Linda E. Davis. Registration is free, but limited. I gotta tell ya, I'm pretty excited about this one. It's gonna be loads of fun.

If you aren't in the Minneapolis area, but are in the San Francisco area, come by Giant Robot SF this Thursday between 6pm and 8pm! I'm gonna be doing a presentation about Asian Americans and comics. Maybe a short reading from Prime Baby, too.

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Signing on 6/10/10 
On Thursday 6/10/10, I'll be signing copies of Prime Baby at Giant Robot SF from 6pm to 8pm. Giant Robot is an awesome store, chock-full of Asian pop culture goodness. Address here:

Giant Robot
618 Shrader St.
San Francisco CA 94117

Come by and I'll do a sketch for you!

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Event in Sacramento on Tue 5/4/10! 
On Tuesday 5/4 at 4pm, I'll be at the Southgate Library in Sacramento talking about how I make comics. If you're in the area, come on by! Here's the address:

Southgate Library
6132 66th Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95823

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What are you doing on Saturday 5/1/10? 
Come to Mrs. Dalloway's, a cool indie bookstore in Berkeley! I'll be there on Saturday 5/1/10 at 7pm to talk about my two just-released books, Prime Baby and Animal Crackers. Here's the address:

Mrs. Dalloway's
2904 College Ave
Berkeley, CA 94705

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